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Paul and Jamie have been trying to make a baby for 4 months and they're beginning to feel like failures as breeders, especially after they find out someone they know is having twins. Things are also not helped by the fact that Paul is making a film about the mating of Panda bears at the zoo. After Mark says that it's too soon to tell anything medically, they start looking elsewhere - oriental herbs, and relaxation techniques, even checking into an expensive hotel. But after Paul figures out that even with all of the pressure the Pandas must be under, but they still perform, then all he and Jamie needs to do is relax.
This is one of those episodes which points out just how good this series really is. It never has any magical moments, and the plot is lightly paced, but it's still has plenty to laugh at. I'm not wild about Jamie's impatience with trying to get pregnant, but I can kind of understand. That's mainly because I understand Paul's worries about being the last Buchman. This episode is helped out a lot by the solid writing for the supporting characters. And it's this which helps out my rating, but it limits it to a 6.5.