Show Outline
It's time for Jamie to go back to school, and she's nervous. She wakes Paul up worrying about a sweater and the fun begins. Lisa, Fran and Ira all join Paul in a little celebration to send Jamie off. During the course of celebration, Paul discovers he forgot to mail in Jamie's registration. Big oops! He enlists the other 3 to help hastily get Jamie registered. They all encounter various hoops to jump through get the course cards signed but, with seconds to spare, they succeed. And thanks to Paul's consideration, Jamie doesn't have to eat alone in the cafeteria.
The first time I saw this episode I was worn out when it was over. And I really couldn't stand the French teacher. That scene drove me nuts. But in the times I've seen it since, it gets funnier all the time. I even find the French teacher funny. I also love how Fran and Lisa try to stall Jamie on the way to school. But the highlight may be Lisa outwitting the Logic teacher. An episode which gets better with age.